Acting RA Minister of Economic Development and Investments Tigran Khachatryan participated in the panel discussion entitled "Foreign Economic Activity of EEU as a Factor of Economic Growth and Stability in Business Development" within the framework of "Eurasian Week" conference. The discussion was led by Veronika Nikishina, Minister of Trade of Eurasian Economic Commission.
Tigran Khachatryan presented the ways of promoting foreign economic activity within the Eurasian Economic Union. According to the Acting Minister, the EAEU has the potential to increase export volumes and, first of all, to export non-raw materials.
"The current geopolitical situation allows us to look for new and expand existing foreign markets in order to increase our export volumes", the Minister said, adding that in this context it is necessary to develop pragmatic approaches to improve, optimize, as well as to clarify the main directions of activities and external economic functions.
In his speech, Tigran Khachatryan presented which tools of export promotion are currently applied in Armenia: export crediting, consulting, informative programs, export support by means of diplomatic missions, financing and support of export-oriented innovative and industrial projects, foreign economic activity insurance.
The Acting Minister emphasized the importance of cooperation between the EAEU and third countries in terms of export promotion. "We are interested in forming a strong trade-economic relationship with leading and prospective economic centers," Khachatryan said, referring to the outcome expected from EAEU-Iran temporary Free Trade Agreement.
Tigran Khachatryan underlined the importance of the cooperation mechanisms which will help to identify the co-operative potentialities of small and large economies.