Working discussion at the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of RA took place
4 October, 2016

On October 4, working discussion was held at the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of the Republic of Armenia. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Ministers, Chief of Staff of the Ministry and the heads of structural and detached subdivisions.

The Minister Karayan spoke about several issues, particularly issues on the deadlines of implementation of the instructions of the Prime Minister, quick response to letters addressed to the Ministry. The Minister stressed the importance of the activity with the entrepreneurs.

“The Ministry should be the body which will serve as a bridge to the government, we must be able to help businessmen and investors with any problem related to business. Activity with entrepreneurs must be fast, flexible and respectful,” said Suren Karayan.

Issues on the working discipline have been discussed. The Minister stressed the implementation of activities conditioned by structural changes,

“We must work flexible and open,” said the Minister and gave several instructions at the end of the working discussion.
