Timetable of dialogue platforms was created by the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of the RA. The formation of sectoral platforms aims always to be aware of the current problems in various sectors of the economy and to find effective ways for their solution with joint efforts.
We invite you to cooperate with us within the framework of already created platforms, as well as to create new platforms by your proposal.
These meetings will be organized periodically.
Below you can find the schedule of the dialogue platforms created by the Ministry.
Tourism sector 1st Friday of each month, at 11: 00
Businessmen 2nd Friday of each month, at 11: 00
Exporters 3rd Friday of each month, at 11: 00
Investors 4th Friday of each month, at 11: 00
Light industry 1st Wednesday of each month, at 11: 00
Mining companies 2 nd Wednesday of each month, at 11: 00
Jewelry, diamond cutting and watchmaking sectors 3rd Wednesday of each month, at 11: 00
Precision engineering sector 4th Wednesday of each month, at 11: 00
To take part in the meetings, please, download the application form, fill it in and send to press@mineconomy.am and lilharutyunyan@mineconomy.am.