The session of the Governing Council of Inspection Body for Market Surveillance took place
18 January, 2017

On January 18, the session of the Governing Council of Inspection Body for Market Surveillance headed by the Minister of Economic Development and Investments of RA Suren Karayan took place. The Head of the Inspection Body Levon Khalikyan represented the report of the activity of the Body of 2016 to the members of the council.

Levon Khalikyan mentioned in his speech that according to the instruction given by the Prime Minister of Armenia, the inspection bodies should be considered as supporting institutions for the business entities and not punishing state bodies, so 7 meetings with the representatives of perfumes, cleaning and washing companies, toys manufacturers and petrol stations have been organized in Kapan, Goris and Yerevan.

The Minister of Economic Development and Investments of RA Suren Karayan gave several instructions.
