The II Phase of UNIDO Project “Improving Competitiveness of Export-Oriented Industries in Armenia through Modernization and Market Access” has launched
14 February, 2017

On February 14, the presentation of the Second Phase of UNIDO Project “Improving Competitiveness of Export-Oriented Industries in Armenia through Modernization and Market Access” took place. The Minister of Economic Development and Investments of RA Suren Karayan attended the presentation and delivered welcoming speech.

“Light industry sector has been announced as a priority sector by the Government of Armenia since 2011 and is considered as a promising sector for export. Several days ago we represented the fields of investments carried out in 2017, where light industry covers a significant part. A number of the new enterprises will create new workplaces in different regions of Armenia.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of the Republic of Armenia is continuously implementing a number of activities set out by the sector development strategy aimed at raising the competitiveness of the products, export promotion and attraction of new markets. In this regard, I want to stress the significant role of international organizations, particularly the role of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in the development process of the sector. Since 2014, UNIDO has been implementing a technical assistance program for productivity, competitiveness and export capacity development of the companies operating in priority sectors of light industry. To make the progress achieved during the first phase continuing, we pass to the second phase, which will officially launch after the signing ceremony,” said Suren Karayan in his speech.

The event will be attended by the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, Ambassadors of foreign states accredited to Armenia, representatives of international organizations, managers and specialists of garment and shoe production and design, representatives of business community and non-governmental organizations.

The pilot phase of the UNIDO Project “Improving Competitiveness of Export-Oriented Industries in Armenia through Modernization and Market Access” started in September 2014. It was implemented in close co-operation with the RA Ministry of Economic Development and Investments and Development Foundation of Armenia, and funded by the Government of the Russian Federation. Phase I of the Project was aimed at the revival and development of the apparel production traditions in Armenia and Armenia’s integration into regional and international markets. Eight garment producing companies were involved in the pilot phase. Each company underwent multi-dimensional diagnosis by the Project national and international experts on the product development and design, effective production planning and management, human resources, finances, marketing, networking, legal and gender-related matters and respective technical assistance was provided. Trainings and practical workshops were organized for the Project beneficiary companies and students of “Atex-Burgo” Fashion School, resulting in the creation of 5 joint collections of quality and fashion garments under the joint label “5900BC”, responding to the requirements and taste of the modern buyers. The collections were presented at international and national exhibitions and other events: “Collection Premiere Moscow”,” Textillegprom”, “BEE Together International Business Platform” (Moscow, Russia), “Creativity Show”, organized in the frame of UNIDO 50-th anniversary celebrations (Vienna, Austria), “Made in Armenia” (Yerevan, Armenia). The participation in international exhibitions yielded the desired results. The high quality Armenian products started stirring interest among the well-known Russian brands, who extended their appreciation for the exported goods and willingness for long-term sustainable co-operation. Another partnership was developed with one of the famous fashion houses in Russia “Valentin Yudashkin Fashion House”. The models designed by the Fashion House and made in Armenia were showcased during the Paris Fashion Week in November 2016.

The project expertise extend their multi-faceted continued support to the companies with the preparation of the samples and legal, marketing, financial and other matters related to the exports.

The Project facilitated the establishment of “Atex-Burgo Fashion School.” Specialists of the center were trained in “Instituto di Moda Burgo” in Milan, Italy, who launched professional courses in “Atex-Burgo Fashion School” in Yerevan with Burgo textbooks and methodology.

During Phase II the UNIDO Project will continue supporting the enterprises in Textile/Clothing sector and expand involving also shoe/leather sector. The project’s Phase II will seek to revive industrial linkages of the Armenian shoe and garment producers within the regional value chains (especially within the EAEU) by enhancing productivity and competitiveness of the sectors, promoting business networking and institutional partnerships between local shoe and garment producers and developers (design, modeling). It aims to address the challenges related to design, quality and market access, faced by the shoe/leather goods manufacturers in Armenia.
