All inspectorates publish their annual inspection plans in their official web pages before December 1 of the previous year. The annual inspection plan includes the list of the business entities that will be inspected during the reporting year.

The annual inspection plan is structured, taking into account the level of the risks of the business entities and includes the following information:

♦ the full name of the inspected business entity;

♦ the completion date of the last inspection in each business entity;

♦ the risk level of each business entity;

♦ the period of time for conducting each business inspection.

The frequency of planed business inspections depends on the level of risk of the business entity and is the following:

1. For high level of risk of the business entity inspections are conducted once a year;

2. For medium level of risk of the business entity inspections are conducted once in 3 years;

3. For low level of risk of the business entity inspections are conducted once in 5 years;

4. The government has approved the list of organizations, which, depending on the industry, are of vital importance for state and society and may be inspected once in 6 months.


All the inspection, except for inspections by State Revenue Committee and customs authorities, State Commission of Economic Competition Protection of the Republic of Armenia, National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia, must carry their inspection only with the checklists only on the basis of approval by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

The approved checklists of all inspectorates must be published on official websites of each inspectorate and are appropriate for each type of business and industry.

Inspection timeline

Before starting inspections, the heads of state inspection authorities promulgates an order on the business inspection. The order of the inspection in two examples is presented to the head or the deputy head of the business entity at least 3 working days before inspection in a proper form (in person or by mail) (except for some types of operations (see Law of the Republic of Armenia on organizing and conducting inspections" 3rd article).

The inspection of the business entity may be held not more than 15 consecutive working days for each year in which the first day of the inspection is the actual start date. The actual start date of the inspection is fixed in an appropriate register of inspections (see Law of the Republic of Armenia on organizing and conducting inspections" 4th article)

Inspection results

The results of the inspection must be summarized, based on the checklist’s questions within 10 working days. If no violations are found, an inspection certificate is issued; in case of violation the act of inspection is issued.

The official inspection certificate, signed by the official member of inspectorate must be provided within 3 working days (in person or by mail) to the head of business entity.

The head or deputy head of business entity should review the draft act of inspection within 5 working days.

If the head or deputy head of the business entity does not provide objections, concerning the act of inspection, the inspector forms act of the inspection within 3 working days after the end of the inspection period in a the proper way (by hand or by mail) and presents it to the head or the deputy head of the business entity.

If the head or deputy head of the business entity provides the objections to the inspector, the objections should be reviewed by the inspector and within 3 working days after the end of the inspection period in a the proper way (by hand or by mail) and presents it to the head or the deputy head of the business entity.
