With the initiative of the State Tourism Committee of Armenia’s Ministry of Economic Development and Investments and IRAPA cooperation platform of French and Armenian communities, a meeting was held on May 15 with the representatives of the tourist information centers.
The meeting focused on the issues related to the activities of the information centers, establishment of contacts, as well as issues over forming a system of tourist information centers.
In the words of Zarmine Zeitountsian, Chairperson of the State Tourism Committee, the activity of the tourism information centers is highlighted in terms of providing the required information to the tourists and the providing them with the feedback. She added that the formation of the system stems from the necessity of providing unified, accurate information.
The meeting was attended by representatives and experts both from information centers and information management bodies, who shared their knowledge regarding the available international experience and models, providing the participants with practical tips.
To note, in the framework of 2017 annual tourism development program 5 state-sponsored tourist information centers are set to be created.