The Ministry of Economic Development and Investments joins the project “Clean Armenia.”
27 May, 2017

On May 27, within the framework of the project “Clean Armenia”, the staff of the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of RA joined the nationwide clean-up day.

The staff carried out cleaning activities in the parks next to Stepan Shahumyan and Alexander Myasnikyan Squares, in the building of the Ministry and areas next to it.

Within the framework of the project “Clean Armenia”, the State Committee for Tourism of the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of RA announced a campaign, where each citizen can become involved.

Citizens can take photos of tourism attraction dirty locations, send it to the committee’s Facebook page by mentioning the province, city, community and date of the photo. The committee is posting results of cleaning activities on its FB page. Citizens can use the #CleanArmenia hashtag.