17 tour operators from Israel arrived in Armenia
2 June, 2017

17 tour operators from Israel arrived in Armenia on three-day-familiarization trip. On June 2nd, they met the Armenian tour operators.

Honorary Consul of Israel in Armenia Achot Chakhmouradian attended the meeting.

Chairperson of the State Committee for Tourism of the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of RA Zarmine Zeitountsian said in her opening speech, “We stress the importance of cooperation between Armenia and Israel in the field of tourism. We believe that the intensification of tourism visits between both countries plays an important role not only in terms of economic development, but also in strengthening and boosting intercultural dialogue and friendship between two nations.”

During the visit, a number of issues on further cooperation strengthening between Armenia and Israel in tourism sector have been discussed.

The visit of 17 tour operators has been organized by Armenia Aircompany.