Testing laboratories are compliant with the legislation and international standards
21 June, 2017

On the instruction of the Prime Minister of RA, meeting- discussion took place at the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of RA on June 21.

The meeting was run by the Chief Adviser to the Minister of Economic Development and Investments of RA Pavel Safaryan. The meeting was attended by the Director of “National Accreditation Body” SNCO Nune Mkrtchyan, representatives of Armenian testing laboratories.

The main purpose of the meeting was to present once again the mechanisms of similar application of legal acts regulating the sphere, the procedures for conducting periodic assessments provided by applicable legal acts, set deadlines, collect the existing problems or problems that have emerged during the discussion and take measures to resolve them.

During the meeting problems arising during laboratory calibration and interlaboratory comparative tests have been discussed. The participants delivered their suggestions.

At the end of the meeting, the Chief Adviser to the Minister Pavel Safaryan mentioned that such meetings will be continuous and said that the suggestions will be in the focus of attention of the Ministry and measures will be taken to resolve them.