UN Sustainable Development Goals Nationalization economic sectoral subgroup working session took place
3 July, 2017

By the Prime Minister's Decree No. 155-A of 21 February 2017, under the UN Sustainable Development Goals Nationalization interagency working group (IWG), four subgroups have been formed (economic, social, ecological, legal and democratic equality). The Chairmen of Economic sectoral subgroup are the Chief Adviser to the Minister of Economic Development and Investments of RA Pavel Safaryan and Deputy Minister of International Economic Integration and Reforms of RA Makar Ghambaryan.

The regular 5th working session took place at the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of RA. During the sessions accessible and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, sustainable consumption and production issues have been discussed for the purposes of identifying targets and indicators corresponding to the national policy agenda by 2030.