On September 12, the First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Investments of RA Garegin Melkonyan received the Assistant to the United States Trade Representative for Trade Policy and Economics Edward Gresser and Chief of the Division of Trade Policy and Negotiations of the Department of Labor Anne Zollner.
Representatives of the Embassy of the United States of America in the Republic of Armenia, Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of RA and the Development Foundation of Armenia attended the meeting.
A number of issues on GSP trade regime provided by the USA to Armenia have been discussed during the meeting.
The parties stressed the importance of transparency, information provision and awareness-raising activities within the framework of the GSP regime, as well as the event “Towards Revealing US Export Potential – GSP” event being organized on September 13 by the American Chamber of Commerce in Armenia and the Embassy of the USA in Armenia.
During the meeting the sides also touched upon the activity carried out within the framework of the Armenia-US Trade and Investment Council.