CLAAS company is interested in implementing activity in “Meghri” free economic zone
26 September, 2017

The Minister of Economic Development and Investments of RA Suren Karayan received the Regional Export Manager of one of the world's leading manufacturers of agricultural engineering equipment CLAAS company Thomas Stiegler and the Director of CLAAS factory in Krasnodar Mikhail Riter to discuss the activity of the company in Armenia. The representatives of the company informed the Minister that the company is interested in implementing activity in “Meghri” free economic zone.

Minister Suren Karayan presented to businessmen what privileges and opportunities will be delivered to businesses operating in the free economic zone and also informed about the prospects of cooperation between Meghri and Aras FEZs.

Representatives of CLAAS discussed with the Minister issues related to the company's presence and expansion in the Armenian market.