The event “Standards make cities smart” was held in Yerevan
18 October, 2017

On October 18, on the World Standards Day, the Minister of Economic Development and Investments of RA Suren Karayan delivered welcoming speech on the event “Standards make cities smart” organized in Yerevan.

In his speech, Minister Karayan noted that the Armenian Government is always focusing on issues of concern of domestic producers, and the measures are being taken and instruments are being used aimed at promoting local production, export and economic development.

“This event focuses primarily on the role of standards, which is the basis of quality infrastructure and the global language of trade. The slogan of 2017 is dedicated to the standards developed and developing for smart cities. In the global context, the importance of smart management systems to be enhanced through deeper urbanization processes and advanced digital technologies is being underlined. Obviously, the creation of smart urban infrastructures is crucial. Moreover, the use of new technologies, infrastructure improvements require investments and contribute to the economic development of those sites. At the same time, improved infrastructures make Armenia attractive both for new business initiatives and for tourism development. They also contribute to improving the quality of life,” said Suren Karayan congratulating all professionals and experts involved in national standardization.

During the event, awards and letters of appreciation were given to companies with innovative solutions and products and the most active role in standardization.

The event has been attended by the state officials and officials from international organizations, representatives of municipalities of some cities of Armenia, guests from other national standardization bodies, the Union of Russian Businessmen, as well as from the Interstate Council for CIS Standardization, Metrology and Certification.

The international standardization experience has been presented during the event.

The event was called to promote the standardization activities and the application of standards aimed at achieving sustainable development goals.

The event is organized by the “National Institute of Standards” CJSC.