The Agency Licensing and permits is a detached subdivision of the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of the Republic of Armenia, it provides services by law and also in certain cases envisaged by legislation of the Republic of Armenia in the spheres of functions assigned to it by legislation of the Republic of Armenia, according to the legislation of the RA it provides sefvices in the sferes of is functions.
The Agency provides the following services for realization of its goals and objectives:
Classification of Hotel Industry Establishments
(Please, contact, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-26),, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-28) for any questions or information)
Implementation of the Kimberley Process Certification
(Please, contact, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-63) for any questions or information)
Provision of permits for Export Control of Dual-use items and their transit transportation through the territory of the Republic of Armenia and implementation of transfer of information and Controlled Intangible values/result of intellectual activity
(Please, contact, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-63) for any questions or information)
State Approval of End user Certificate and provision of Import Certificate
(Please, contact, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-63) for any questions or information)
Activity which is subject to notification for trade, import, export and transport of natural processed or raw but unframed and loose diamonds classified as 710210000, 710221000, 710231000 codes in “Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity” (C)
(Please, contact, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-63) for any questions or information)
Provision of licenses for export from the territory of the Republic of Armenia to а third country or import from а third country to the territory of the Republic of Armenia for precious metals, precious stones, raw precious metals, scrap and waste of precious metals, precious metal ores and concentrates and raw materials containing precious metals
(Please, contact, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-63) or via, or via telephone (+374 1159-72-29) for any questions or information)
Activity which is subject to notification for assaying and hallmarking of items made from precious metals
(Please, contact email:, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-69),, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-63) for any questions or information)
Qualification to refiners, assayers and hallmarkers of precious metals in the Republic of Armenia
(Please, contact email:, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-69),, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-63) for any questions or information)
Provision of acts state control acts for export or import of precious stones or precious metals from the territory of the Republic of Armenia to third country or backward for import.
(Please, contact email:, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-69),, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-29) for any questions or information)
Approval of lists of imported (exported) precious items and processing product of natural diamonds, natural raw diamonds for processing purposes.
(Please, contact email:, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-69),, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-29) for any questions or information)
Activity which is subject to notification for the vodka import classified as 2208 code in “Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity”
(Please, contact, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-29) for any questions or information)
Employment of tax, custom and other mandatory fees privileges provided by the Framework Agreement signed between the Republic of Armenia and the Commission of the European Communities
(Please, contact, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-71-54) or via, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-29) for any questions or information)
Provision of Conclusions about duty-free importation of educational, scientific and cultural materials from the Member-states of the Agreement on 22 November 1950
(Please, contact, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-71-54) or via, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-63) for any questions or information)
Provision of Conclusions Approval of in purpose of duty-free materials (raw sugar-cane without additives of aromatizers and dyes) for import to the Republic of Armenia classified as 1701 13 and 1701 14 codes in “Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity” of EAEU
(Please, contact, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-28) or via, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-63) for any questions or information)
Implementation of Administrative cooperation with the European Commission as well as the customs authorities of EU Member States with the view of enforcement of REX (Registered Exporter) system within EU GSP in the Republic of Armenia
(Please, contact, or via telephone (+374 11) 59-72-26) for any questions or information)