On 17 February, 2011 RA Government approved the Concept Paper on the Initial Strategy of the Formation of Innovation Economy (N6 protocol decree) which is based upon the projects implemented by the Ministry of Economy of RA directed to the development of the sphere, as well as legal, business, educational, financial and innovation infrastructure building measures aimed at developing the national innovation system.
The Concept paper on the support of the development of knowledge-based economy and innovation activity in Armenia implies the integration of socio-economic adjacent fields into the system particularly scientific, educational, fiscal, industrial and export promotion policies.
“National Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship” (NCIE) among the operating organizations in the system of the Ministry of Economics plays an important role in the formation of an innovative policy of economy of the Republic. “National Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship” realizes the incubation process of innovative ideas development, supporting to the realization of necessary preparatory works for their commercialization, also provides scientific-technical information and library services.
The Center, having scientific-technical and patent modernized resources gets an opportunity to manage effectively the innovative entrepreneurship.
The Center is also a platform for formation of long-term relationship with innovative small business, involvement and retraining of new specialists for companies in the sphere of innovative management.
The centre carries out “Cooperation project” the purpose of which is: to support to innovative, scientific and technical, industrial programs and projects; the decision of information problems in various industrial spheres, using the potential of realization of investment projects. And proceeding from this purpose, in frameworks of the "Cooperation Project" works are performed on database formation of national information resources.
NCIE supports to the commercialization of intellectual property, provides with newest technological information, organizes seminars, forums, conferences, presentations and exhibitions.
In the structure of the organization is acting the scientific and technical library in the specialized funds of which, there are about 17 mln copies of patents, normative-technical documents, industrial catalogues, deposited scientific works, thesis and etc. Today the library is completed with modernized scientific and innovative literature, periodicals. electronic delivery of articles of journals is carried out.
The department coordinates the following projects:
Intergovernmental project of cooperation of CIS member countries in the sphere of innovation up to 2020
On 14 November, 2008 CIS Council of Heads of Governments approved the working out of Intergovernmental project of cooperation of CIS member countries in the sphere of innovation up to 2020. From the Armenian part the National Client-Coordinator for the project preparation acts the Ministry of Economy of RA and Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) is defined to be the National Developer of the project. The initial draft of the project, which is a result of joint efforts, was approved the by CIS Council of Heads of Governments in the sitting of 18 October, 2011. In the National part of the Project 5 innovation projects have been suggested which are planned to implement within the framework of the Project on co financing principle. According to the Decree of CIS Government Heads Council of 14 November, 2008, National Contact Centers were established within the framework of the Intergovernmental Programme of Cooperation of CIS Member Countries in the Sphere of Innovation up to 2020. The National Contact Centers will act as CIS countries’ cooperation support infrastructures in innovation sphere. The functions of Armenian National Contact Center, as recommended by the Ministry of Economy of RA, are delivered to the Russian-Armenian Center for Innovation Cooperation.
Project of the establishment of the Armenian Centre of Excellence in Oncology (ACEO)
The Ministry of Economy of RA along with the Ministry of Healthcare and National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia have worked out the Project of the establishment of the Armenian Centre of Excellence in Oncology. ACEO will initially consist of an oncology clinic with PET (positron emission tomography) diagnostic facility to provide state-of-the-art cancer care to Armenia and the region, supported by a state-owned cyclotron to produce the radioisotopes necessary for PET. The Project implies ACEO in the area of A.I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory (The Yerevan Physics Institute) Foundation.In the framework of the Project the following steps have been taken:
On 7 October, 2010 RA Government adopted the decree N 1424-Ն on the establishment of the Armenian Centre of Oncology Excellence project.
In 2010 RA Government signed a loan agreement with the Belgian “KBC NV” bank, as well as a contract with “ABA Molecular” company.
“Radioisotope Production Center” CJSC was established under the subjection of Ministry of Economy of RA.
On 14 April, 2011 the RA Government adopted N 388-Ն decree on allot land for organizing radioisotope production.
Main Partners
National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia, www.cf.am
Russian– Armenian Center for Innovation Cooperation, http://arm.rs.gov.ru/
Industry Development Foundation