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Armenia is one of the countries to recognize tourism a priority on the state level. This is one of the principles of the state policy, stipulated by the law of the Republic of Armenia on Tourism and Tourist Activities. The overall goal of state policy in tourism is to increase its contribution to the sustainable development of the national economy and equal territorial economic growth while at the same time alleviating poverty through:

• sustaining high levels of growth in the number of incoming and internal tourists,

• increasing tourism generated income through offering higher value products and services,

• creating new job opportunities in the sector.

Effective elaboration and implementation of tourism state policy, well established public-private partnership and mutually beneficial international and regional cooperation have resulted in significant growth in tourism sector during the last decade. This growth is reflected both in the number and geographical reach of incoming tourist visits and in investment in hospitality and related infrastructure. Armenia’s tourism industry has shown significant growth in the past 5 years with an average annual growth of about 9% of incoming tourist arrivals.



Regular assistance is provided to support the educational institutions in the educational field of the Tourism industry .They provide the necessary information and professional materials to the students. In order to increase the professional qualification in the frame of partnership with the different countries, public and private sector professionals are trained in Egypt, Japan, China, Germany and Spain. Armenian tourism organizations are held regularly to discuss issues related to the field and are organized round tables.

The specialists of the tourism industry /managers and specialists of the middle link/were educated by the following educational institutes.

- Yerevan State University

- Yerevan State University (the branch of Ijevan)

- Armenian State University of Economics

- Armenian State University of Economics (the branch of Eghegnadzor)

- The linguistic State University of Erevan by V.Bryusov.

- Armenian Institute of Tourism, the branch of Russian International Academy of Tourism

- Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University

- Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia

- The French University in Armenia

- Moscow State University of Service and Tourism, branch of Yerevan.

- Management University of Yerevan

- European Regional Educational Academy

- Yerevan State College of Humanities

- Armenian-Greek State College of tourism, service and food industry


1. The Program of Solution of Target Tasks “Tsakhkadzor – A Tourist Center Conforming to the International Standards”.

2. The 2008-2012 strategy of developing of Jermuk city.

3. Tatev Tourism Center Development Program.

4. Tourism Development program of Goris city.

5. AnnualTourism Development Programs.

Since the 1-st of January in 2011 isn’t licensed the activity of guides and escorts. At the same time we inform that today the taxis for the licensed guides and escorts is stopped.


The public sector tourism organizations are the following:

- "Armenia's Union of Incoming Tour Operators' Association of legal entities,

- "The Armenian representation of American Travel Agents » (ASTA),

- Armenia "Hotel Union" Union of Legal Entities,

- "The Armenian Guides Guild" civil society organization,

- "Armenian cookery traditions development and protection" NGO

- "Areni Festival" Foundation,

- " Armenian B&B associattion" NGO,

- " Armenian cookery association" NGO,

- "The Armenian Ecotourism Association" NGO.

- "Armenian SPA association" NGO,

- "Armenian Bartensers' association" NGO

State Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of RA is responsible for development of tourism in the Republic of Armenia. Tel. (+374 11) 597-157.