Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the European Communities and their Member States
The relations between the Republic of Armenia and the European Union, including the trade and economic cooperation are regulated by the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA), signed on April 22, 1996 and entered into force on July 1, 1999.
The main objectives of the PCA are:
- to provide an appropriate framework for the political dialogue between the Parties allowing the development of political relations;
- to support the efforts of the Republic of Armenia to consolidate its democracy, to develop its economy and to complete the transition into a market economy;
- to strengthen the rule of law, including the legal reforms;
- to promote trade, investments and harmonious economic relations between the Parties,
- to contribute to protection of intellectual, industrial and commercial property;
- to provide a basis for legislative, economic, social, financial, scientific, technological and cultural cooperation.